(HealthDay News) -- Whether you're in the car for a daily commute or a long road trip, it's important to protect yourself on the highway.

The American Red Cross advises:

  • Never drive while impaired.
  • Always buckle your seat belt.
  • Make sure you're alert and well-rested.
  • Never use a cell phone while driving.
  • Pay extra attention while driving through a work zone.
  • Always follow speed limit signs and other road rules.
  • Respect the other drivers, and don't follow the driver in front of you too closely.
  • On a long trip, stop frequently for a rest break. Switch drivers, if possible.
  • If you drink alcohol, find another driver in advance to take you home.
  • Make sure tail lights, headlights, windshield and all windows are clean.
  • Turn on headlights any time you need windshield wipers, and at dusk.